On top of the misquote, this is a typical "appeal to authority".
Why should I live my life according to what someone though about education?
check it out.
first, the article...... awake!
where can you get the best education?.
On top of the misquote, this is a typical "appeal to authority".
Why should I live my life according to what someone though about education?
i have to give props to most athiest on jwn, for one thing, you guys dont run away, i have been having discussions on youtube with jw and it is so frustrating.
what makes it frustrating is unlike me and athiest ,the jw and myself both claim the same thing that the bible is gods word, almost everytime i get into a discussion with one they make a claim i show them bible verse and they have no answer, so they attack me other than the point i bring up, than they say om under satan control, all for just using the bible.
than they say not to contact them anymore.
well if you close you eyes for a long period of time ,your hand is there and it will still be there,even if your closed eyes prevents you from seeing it, likewise just because your closing your heart to god does not mean he not there
Does this apply to Allah/Vishnu/Thor as well?
i have to give props to most athiest on jwn, for one thing, you guys dont run away, i have been having discussions on youtube with jw and it is so frustrating.
what makes it frustrating is unlike me and athiest ,the jw and myself both claim the same thing that the bible is gods word, almost everytime i get into a discussion with one they make a claim i show them bible verse and they have no answer, so they attack me other than the point i bring up, than they say om under satan control, all for just using the bible.
than they say not to contact them anymore.
no faith equals unright faith equals right in gods eyes.
So, f**k China?
my wife and i were slowly leaving walmart's parking lot in el dorado (that's arkansas) last night and i did a double-take.
my wife said, "what are you doing"?
as i swung around to circle back to the row we had just left.
No way I would trust JW's not to "accidentally" scratch or door ding me.
I can imagine poor unsuspecting Xavier John Wilson's face when he returns back to his car.....
i have to give props to most athiest on jwn, for one thing, you guys dont run away, i have been having discussions on youtube with jw and it is so frustrating.
what makes it frustrating is unlike me and athiest ,the jw and myself both claim the same thing that the bible is gods word, almost everytime i get into a discussion with one they make a claim i show them bible verse and they have no answer, so they attack me other than the point i bring up, than they say om under satan control, all for just using the bible.
than they say not to contact them anymore.
Yea I guess the deck is stacked in God’s favor. He made the deck he can stack it any way he wants
Great!! Praise the lord!
i have to give props to most athiest on jwn, for one thing, you guys dont run away, i have been having discussions on youtube with jw and it is so frustrating.
what makes it frustrating is unlike me and athiest ,the jw and myself both claim the same thing that the bible is gods word, almost everytime i get into a discussion with one they make a claim i show them bible verse and they have no answer, so they attack me other than the point i bring up, than they say om under satan control, all for just using the bible.
than they say not to contact them anymore.
i am surprised i have not noticed this before, particularly since this is one of the most important statistics, and so have just added the new graphs to watchtower publisher statistics.. the number of bible studies generally trends roughly with the number of publishers on a one to one basis.
however, the number of baptisms has not been rising.
this has resulted in a rapidly falling conversion rate.
Excellent job, Paul!
But......I just wonder.....could a swift JW (I know, an oxymoron ) argue that we are committing this logical fallacy?
Afterall, say, the murder rate has been steadily declining in recent years as well. Thusly, more bible studies lower crime.
(Playin' devil's advocate y'all)
they could make a lot of money with this business model.
by selling their own dedicated hardware, new e-books wt literature, selling profitable internet service through their own "safe" proxy servers that screen out all dangerous material, and the jws can show catchy pre-loaded wt sales videos to householders at the door or in their studies.. i wonder if they can get a chinese knockoff tablet computer, like the hapiad, down to $99 and still make a big profit?
it comes with wifi - and is preloaded with the wt cd , some videos and other wt junk.. how much could they sell wt approved internet for?- going through their wt proxy screening server to keep us out.. books at conventions- they will have an e-reader version of books for sale immediately- those who want print versions will have to wait- and pay more.. they can bring their wt haipad to the meetings and read the wt lesson on it, don't even have to print them out.. this could have downsides, too - like when the kids figure out how to jail break them in order to watch what they want.. i could be wrong, but i think they could sellout a limit of 1000 $99 tablet computers in one hour after they are released- they would have to have mob control to keep order at the counter.
he emphasized that we'll have our own internet, in "they" ever try to take down our website
Unless you run your own fiber optic long distance lines, you are still dependent on "their" internet backbone.
Sorry, no way around "Satan's" infrastructure...
i've just started munching through the figures for 2012 in the new 2013 yearbook, now available on jw.org.. i thought you might be interested to see which countries saw "negative growth" over 2012.. these are as follows.... .
*sudan is so dramatically reduced because south sudan is now independent and the society has adjusted the publisher figures accordingly.. .
countries added.
Another interesting trend in recent years is the average time preaching per newly baptized.
In other words, if we divide the total number of hours in FS by the newly baptized members, we can find out on average how much time needs to be wasted spent in the field to gain one new member.
And the number ain't pretty.
For 2010 it was 5,452 hurs
For 2011 it was 6,488 hours
For 2012 it is 6,506 hours
In other words, an increase, albeit not one the WT likes.
This has been pointed out before, but it bears repetition for new JW members:
With an average of 19.33 hours of preaching by each publisher each month, the pour soul will have to spend 337 months or over 28 years pounding the pavement if tasked with bringing a new member.
Of course this does not happen in reality, people get baptized much faster, without haveing been preached to for 28 years, which only shows what a collosal waste of time the whole FS charade is.